Category: Non categorizzato

  • Venetian Nightlife: Beyond the Masks and Festivals

    Venetian Nightlife: Beyond the Masks and Festivals

    Dear readers, Today, we explore a lesser-known side of Venice: its vibrant nightlife that goes beyond the famous festivals and masquerades. Venice at night transforms, offering experiences from tranquil bacari, the typical Venetian osterias, to modern clubs and concert spaces, proving that the city has much to offer even after sunset. Our nighttime tour begins…

  • I Colori di Burano: Un Viaggio Attraverso l’Architettura Vivace

    I Colori di Burano: Un Viaggio Attraverso l’Architettura Vivace

    Cari lettori, Accompagnatemi oggi sull’isola di Burano, un gioiello nascosto nella laguna di Venezia, famosa per le sue case dai colori vivaci che dipingono un quadro pittoresco sulle acque tranquille. Questa isola non è solo un paradiso per i fotografi ma anche un luogo dove la tradizione e la modernità si incontrano attraverso l’arte dell’architettura.…

  • Conserving Venice: Efforts to Preserve a Sinking Beauty

    Conserving Venice: Efforts to Preserve a Sinking Beauty

    Dear readers, Today, we address a matter of crucial importance: the conservation of Venice, this marvelous city facing challenges from water and time. With its unique geographical position and invaluable artistic and historical heritage, Venice is one of the cities most at risk due to climate change and the phenomenon of high water. The efforts…

  • The Literary Footprints of Venice: From Goldoni to Hemingway

    The Literary Footprints of Venice: From Goldoni to Hemingway

    Dear readers, Prepare to walk the literary paths of Venice, a city that has inspired writers from Carlo Goldoni to Ernest Hemingway. Venice is not just a living museum of visual art and architecture; it is also a fertile ground for narrative, poetry, and drama, capturing the imagination of generations of authors. We begin with…

  • Venice’s Mysterious Islands: A Closer Look at San Michele and Sant’Erasmo

    Venice’s Mysterious Islands: A Closer Look at San Michele and Sant’Erasmo

    Dear readers, Today, I will take you to explore two of the most enigmatic and lesser-known islands of the Venetian lagoon: San Michele and Sant’Erasmo. These islands offer a different view of Venice, away from the usual tourist paths, steeped in rich stories and unique landscapes. San Michele, also known as the island of the…

  • The Craftsmanship of Venetian Boats: A Timeless Art

    The Craftsmanship of Venetian Boats: A Timeless Art

    Dear readers, Join me on a journey to the heart of Venetian artisanal tradition, where the art of boatbuilding has been passed down through generations, preserving a heritage of skill and passion that defines Venice as much as its canals. The squero, the Venetian boatyard, is where the vessels that characterize the city’s canals are…