Conserving Venice: Efforts to Preserve a Sinking Beauty

Dear readers,

Today, we address a matter of crucial importance: the conservation of Venice, this marvelous city facing challenges from water and time. With its unique geographical position and invaluable artistic and historical heritage, Venice is one of the cities most at risk due to climate change and the phenomenon of high water.

The efforts to protect and preserve Venice are many and varied. Among these, the MOSE project stands out, a system of mobile barriers designed to protect the city from flooding. Despite controversies and implementation problems, this system represents one of the most ambitious engineering initiatives aimed at safeguarding the city’s future.

In addition to MOSE, there are numerous other projects and initiatives, many managed by local and international organizations. These include the ongoing restoration of historic buildings, the maintenance of canals and foundations, and research on improving the water quality of the lagoon, essential for the survival of the local ecosystem.

A crucial aspect of Venice’s conservation also concerns its population. The city has seen a drastic decline in permanent residents, a phenomenon that threatens the social and cultural fabric that makes Venice unique. Supporting the local community and encouraging new forms of sustainable living and business are therefore essential to keep the city vibrant.

Conserving Venice is not just a matter of physical maintenance; it is also a battle to preserve a way of life, a history, and a culture that have influenced the entire world. It is a responsibility that requires commitment, innovation, and international cooperation.

I invite all of you, lovers of Venice and its incomparable beauty, to support the efforts to conserve it, so that future generations can continue to discover and admire this extraordinary city.

Until our next reflection

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